Lomatium Organic Extract
Potent natural antiviral and antibacterial.
- Helps inhibit growth of
candida . - Useful against a broad spectrum of stubborn infections.
- Stimulates immune response and decreases inflammation.
- Good tasting and alcohol-free, great for kids and adults!
- Part of the BrainChild Natural Candida Program
The Lomatium dissectum plant is a natural medicine with extensive traditional use by the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest and Northern Nevada, where it grows. It has been used primarily for upper respiratory infections, although many other uses have been noted. When the 1918 influenza epidemic hit Northern Nevada, Dr. Ernst Krebs of Carson City noticed that unlike others, the local Washoe native people were not dying of the flu. He asked about their medicine, which turned out to be Lomatium. Botanists named it Leptotaenia dissecta until 1942, when it was renamed Lomatium dissectum.
In recent years, Lomatium has been widely used for upper respiratory tract infections, both viral and bacterial in origin. It may slow or halt the progression of a cold or flu, or help with asthma and bronchitis, and can be helpful in severe states of immunodeficiency. Lomatium is also an effective helper in fighting Candida. When used to help fight yeast, Lomatium may be rotated with our other yeast fighters, four days each.
An early study of Lomatium dissectum (1948) showed some level of inhibition of the growth of all 62 strains and species of bacteria and fungi tested. The infection strains tested included Clostridia, Candida, Shigella, Pseudomonas, E.
A small number of individuals see a rash when using Lomatium. This is believed to be a cleansing reaction, and is not dangerous. If a rash is seen, reduce dosage, and it should subside in a few days. Some herbalists suggest taking Oregon Grape or Dandilion along with Lomatium, to reduce the chance of a rash. Discontinue use if rash lasts more than a week. Consult your practitioner if needed.
Organically grown Lomatium Dissectum 1:4 extract, purified water, kosher vegetable Glycerine
Eggs, wheat, gluten, dairy, casein, yeast, corn, soy, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, colors and flavors. Every effort has been taken to eliminate any significant sources of natural
Suggested Use:
Note: Do not use Lomatium if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
have not started on it yet. I have other issues
Lomatium Organic Extract
The Lomatium wildcrafted supply is a niche client market that has received a bit of attention from consumers over the last four months. I am very pleased with BrainChild Nutritional’s efforts in completing my formedd red order.