Why We're Boosting Our Family's Immune System During The Coronavirus Pandemic
With the coronavirus outbreak wreaking havoc around the world, this is a really stressful time.
On top of everything else, we now need to worry about having enough food for our family, stores running out of supplies, childcare, schools closing, financials, relationships, etc…
Plus, many of us already had the anxiety and workload associated with taking care of children and others that have special needs. The Coronavirus has not cured ADHD, autism, sleep issues, anxiety - many of us still have to deal with those issues - only now with social distancing!
To better position ourselves to get through this we are trying to avoid getting sick. When we're stressed, the immune system's ability to fight off antigens is reduced. That is why we are more susceptible to infections. The stress hormone corticosteroid can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system (e.g. lowers the number of lymphocytes). Here is a link to a study if you want to read more about this.
We are not talking about Corona. For Corona, we are following the CDC guidelines to prepare, prevent and protect ourselves.
We are talking about the typical seasonal illnesses - common flu, colds, sore throats, allergies etc ... that we face every year. We want our immune systems to be as strong as possible during this period. We want to avoid getting sick if at all possible to take care of our families and because the healthcare system is already stretched dealing with this virus.
Here at BrainChild Nutritionals, we feel one of the best ways we can support you and your loved ones during this pandemic, is by sharing what we know about boosting your immune system naturally.
A lot of health companies are capitalising on the panic buying phenomenon by raising their prices, so we’ve decided to provide you with 15% off our best immunity building formulas. The coupon code is at the bottom of the article, so keep reading!
First we’ll cover the top immunity boosting foods, best hygiene practices and the immunity boosting natural products you’ll want to have front and center of your medicine cabinet.
Foods to Eat:
Citrus fruits should be a top priority at this time, as their high levels of vitamin C help to increase the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections. Fill your fruit bowls with grapefruits, oranges, mandarins, kiwifruit, papaya, lemons and limes. Red bell peppers are also fabulous sources of vitamin C, and are also packed with beta-carotene, which keeps your eyes and skin healthy.
Garlic and ginger should also feature prominently, so make room on your weekly meal plan for stews, soups and curries that use plenty of garlic and ginger. Hot ginger tea is a great beverage to make, especially if you add in squeezed lemon juice.
Special mention must be made of turmeric, as it is a powerful anti-inflammatory and helps your body to detox effectively. Use it in golden milk, vibrant curries and take curcumin (what gives turmeric it’s distinctive yellow color) as a supplement.
Dark green vegetables like broccoli and spinach are everyday superfoods! They’re packed with fortifying vitamins and minerals, like vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant that is important in regulating and maintaining immune system function. Vitamin E can also be found in abundance in sunflower seeds and avocados. Remember, the less you cook them the better!
Water Intake
We all know water is essential to life, but do we understand how it helps our immune system function? Water is important in detox as it flushes toxins out, and prevents build up. It also carries oxygen to your body’s cells, which keeps everything functioning efficiently. Being dehydrated has a negative impact on your immune system, make sure you are staying hydrated.
If you find drinking water boring, you can opt for infused water by adding fresh berries, cucumber slices or citrus juice to it. Sip on herbal, healing teas like this Healing Tea from Our Botanicals instead of coffee, which will only dehydrate your system.
Hygiene Practices
During this coronavirus outbreak, authorities have been clear in their recommendations - wash your hands, self-isolate and avoid touching your face. For those of us with dry skin, the frequency of hand washing is a problem due to the necessity of hot water and alcohol based soaps and sanitisers.
We’ve found that keeping a high quality moisturising cream by each sink has helped immensely and prevents painful cracks. We can highly recommend this Hand and FootRx Moisturizing Cream from Oncoderm Labs. It was formulated by dermatologists for sensitive skin and is clinically proven to soften and repair severely dry, rough, cracked fingers and heels. We love it because it has no fragrance, parabens or artificial dyes.
Supplement Guide:
We recommend fortifying your immune system with Elderberry Comfort and the Immune Defense Kit. Here’s why:
Elderberry Comfort:
Much of the elderberry’s health benefits are drawn from the fact that it is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system. As a preventative measure, it goes a long way to reduce inflammation, manage stress and help protect your heart. It helps to fight viruses, bacterial infections and ease allergies. Elderberry is also a fantastic formula to start taking if you or a loved one are already ill, as it is known to relieve symptoms and support your body during recovery.
How To Take Elderberry Comfort?
If you’re taking it as a preventative measure, take 10-20 drops daily for immune support. At the first sign of cold or flu, the adult dose is 30 drops, 3 times a day, mixed with warm water, or followed by a drink of water.
Children can take half of an adult dose. At the first sign of cold or flu, start with five drops, 3 times a day and increase to 15 drops, 3 times a day, mixed with warm water or followed by a drink of water. Children can take 5-10 drops daily while healthy for immune support.
Check out our Elderberry Comfort 4 oz tincture here.
Lomatium Root:
The Lomatium dissectum plant is a natural medicine with extensive traditional use by the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest and Northern Nevada, where it grows. It has been used primarily for upper respiratory infections, although many other uses have been noted. When the 1918 influenza epidemic hit Northern Nevada, Dr. Ernst Krebs of Carson City noticed that unlike others, the local Washoe native people were not dying of the flu. He asked about their medicine, which turned out to be Lomatium. Botanists named it Leptotaenia dissecta until 1942, when it was renamed Lomatium dissectum.
In recent years, Lomatium has been widely used for upper respiratory tract infections, both viral and bacterial in origin. It may slow or halt the progression of a cold or flu, or help with asthma and bronchitis, and can be helpful in severe states of immunodeficiency.
Check out our Lomatium Root Extract here.
How To Take Lomatium Root?
Full adult dose is 30-60 drops in a glass of water or other drink, 3 times a day. Start at half dose and work up to full dose over first few days, to avoid herxheimer reaction (die off). Children: Half of adult dose. For sensitive children, start with one drop, 3 times a day and increase gradually to 15 drops, 3 times a day in juice, water or other drink.
Note: Do not use Lomatium if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Immune Defense Kit:
This kit includes four powerful components: Liqui-C Complete, LiquiZinc,Astragalus and Olive Leaf. Together, these supplements form a powerful and balanced way to supplement these crucial nutrients.
Zinc is crucial to the immune system. It helps maintain white blood cell activity, and helps support antioxidant protection.
Vitamin C is essential in maintaining a healthy immune system, and is critical to the formation of collagen, a structural protein that supports the skin and internal organs.
Astragalus is a traditional Chinese Medicine. Astragalus tonifies the protective quality known as Wei Chi
Olive leaf extract (Oleuropein) has shown to have strong antimicrobial activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. For phenol-sensitive individuals you may choose Oregon Grape instead of Olive Leaf, if desired. Olive Leaf is generally very well tolerated, but it does contain phenols. Phenol-sensitive individuals who do not tolerate berries, apples and other phenolic foods may choose Oregon Grape instead of Olive Leaf.
These supplements may be taken together in one or more doses daily, creating a simple, easy to follow routine. They are delicious mixed together. One very pleasant way to take these supplements is to make them into a warm cup of “tea”, by mixing them with a little warm water or organic lemonade.
Check out our Immune Defense Kit here.
As promised, you can add all these immunity boosting herbs to cart for 15% off.
The coupon code is: IMMUNITY2020 and expires on March 31st.
Please note: The products eligible to be used with this special discount code are: Elderberry Comfort 1 oz, 2 oz and 4 oz, Extra Immune Defense Kit, Immune Defense Kit, Winter Immune Support Combo, Olive Leaf Extract 1 oz and 2 oz, Oregon Grape 1 oz and 2 oz and Lomatium 1 oz and 2 oz.